Saturday, February 1, 2014

Former Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) responded to allegations that the Tea Party is racist and gave a verbal dressing down to a former aide to Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

“Now, when Senator Obama was running for election he was railing against George W. Bush, calling him un-American, unpatriotic over a nine trillion dollar debt. Now Americans who show concern about a 17.3 almost $17.4 trillion debt are now demonized and attacked when this is a serious concern.” - CNS

Liberal Laughs At Col. Allen West For Being A Black Conservative; West Cleans His Clock - The Right Scoop

...Hahn laughs as soon as West cites himself as an example of how the tea party is not racist. Because as we’ve learned from folks like Melissa Harris-Perry, conservatives are racist by definition, so therefore black conservatives are merely Uncle Toms. It is typical of lily-white elitist east coast liberals like Hahn to look down their noses at Col. West. They care nothing for his military service, his civilian record of service, his having been elected to office, his cogent representation of conservative philosophy, or any part of Colonel West, the human being. All they see is a black man who has failed to act in the way Democrats have outlined as permissible....