Saturday, December 18, 2010

Something to think about

CA GOP: Mistakes It Can No Longer Afford! Hogue News
Some very interesting points, including recommendation for improvement. Including What we need to give to candidates on day one. The CRP and the county party’s needs to be a treasure trove of resources for the candidates.... Much more at the link, highly recommended reading. Discuss...

Local News: Coastal Commission Nominees

Coastal turmoil: Cities won't nominate (Mark) Lovelace for coastal commissioner seat Times-Standard
...The Board of Supervisors nominated (Mark) Lovelace, Fortuna Mayor Pro Tem Ken Zanzi and Mendocino County Supervisor Kendall Smith. The public resources code regarding nominations seems clear that boards of supervisors and city selection committees each nominate at least one supervisor and one city councilmember.

(The mayors of the seven cities in Humboldt County chose to nominate four city councilmen -- including two mayors on the panel) The committee on Thursday nominated Zanzi, Fortuna Councilman Dean Glaser, as well as Ferndale Mayor Jeff Farley and Eureka Mayor Frank Jager, who both sit on the committee....

The seat coming vacant is for the North Coast and is held by outgoing Supervisor Bonnie Neely.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Obama Signs Extension of Bush Tax Cuts - Breitbart's Big Government
House Passes Bill Extending Bush Tax Cuts for Millions and Renewing Unemployment Aid
Senate Dem leader drops nearly $1.3T spending bill Breitbart
Democrats controlling the Senate have abandoned a 1,924-page catchall spending measure that's laced with homestate pet projects known as earmarks
McConnell: Dems Using "Christmas Break As An Inducement" To Pass Omnibus Real Clear Politics
VICTORY… Harry Reid Pulls Pork-laden $1.1 Trillion Omnibus Bill (Video) - Gateway Pundit
Reid says nine Republican senators approached him today to tell him that while they would like to see the bill passed, they could not vote for it. He did not reveal the names of the nine. A top Senate source tells National Review Online that “it looks like Harry Reid buckled under the threat of Republicans reading [the bill] aloud.”
Reid Punts on Omnibus Spending Bill - RedState
Harry Reid Pulls The Plug On His Credibility and Power - Legal Insurrection
Disgusting: Democrats yet again say bills should be passed without voting members reading them - Hillbuzz
The Omnibus Bill’s ‘Hit Parade’ of Senatorial Theft - Roger L. Simon at Pajamas Media

Two Californias

Abandoned farms, Third World living conditions, pervasive public assistance -- welcome to the once-thriving Central Valley. Victor Davis Hanson at National Review Online