Monday, January 27, 2014

A majority of Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats to do a better job handling the economy, according to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Forty-four percent of respondents said Republicans are more trustworthy on the issue, while only 37 percent believe that Democrats would do a better job. - Washington Free Beacon

The Republican’s lead on the economy is its biggest advantage in Post-ABC polling since 2002, according to the Post.

Poll finds little faith in nation’s leaders - Dan Balz and Peyton M. Craighill/Washington Post

President Obama will speak to the nation Tuesday night with approval ratings lower than for any of his previous State of the Union addresses and with Americans broadly pessimistic that he or lawmakers of either party will make good decisions for the future of the country...

...Just 37 percent say they have either a good amount or a great deal of confidence in the president to make the right decisions for the country’s future, while 63 percent say they do not.

WaPo/ABC poll shows decline in trust of public officials - HotAir

...The rating by party on the economy is particularly bad for Obama and the Democrats, with Republicans leading 44/37. The GOP also wins on budget deficits, size of government, and gun control (by eleven points), but Democrats end up getting the edge on most other issues, including health care (44/35). But the President wants to talk at length on the economy, especially on themes of inequality, in the upcoming State of the Union speech, which means the Democrats may end up putting one of their biggest weaknesses on center stage.