Monday, March 12, 2012

Governor Brown Hypocrisy on Pension Reform

Jerry is a labor guy and he, like the Democrats in the legislature, will do nothing to anger or upset their most valued constituency. - htja

In his State of the State Address, Governor Brown acknowledged the dire need for pension reform in California. But the immediate question on the minds of political insiders was two-fold: First, whether the Governor would support substantive reform (as opposed to just window dressing) and, second, how much, if any, political capital he would expend to see his plan enacted into law.

On the first point, Brown surprised us by proposing a fairly detailed 12-point plan that even his most harsh critics had to concede was substantive. But, regrettably, as HJTA predicted, the answer to the second question of how much effort he would use to see the plan to fruition was, simply, not much.