Monday, March 12, 2012

Daily Contraception Mandate Lie: Who started it?

[Hint, it was the side that issued the government *mandate*] - Timothy P. Carney/Washington Examiner @tpcarney

Defense of the contraception mandate has rested on not merely speaking falsely, but actually inverting the truth – saying the exact opposite of what is true. For instance, defending a government mandate that employers provide birth-control coverage by saying government and employers shouldn’t get involved in birth control is kind of like defending TARP by saying government shouldn’t get involved in banking....

...conservatives did not pick this fight. Obama’s HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius picked the fight by introducing government into a question that used to be private, thus infringing on individual liberty in a way that many Americans find violates their conscience.

We’re fighting back. Maybe you think that’s a losing political thing to do, but that doesn’t mean (a) we shouldn’t fight, or (b) that we started the fight.