Monday, September 17, 2012

Rasmussen: Romney 47%, Obama 45%

The Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll for Monday. The swing state poll — looking at "11 key states won by President Obama in 2008 and thought to be competitive in 2012" — has identical numbers today. - Althouse
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen

In Virginia and Ohio, Obama leads by a point. In Florida, the president is up two. Romney has edged back into the lead in Missouri and is up six in North Carolina. See the latest Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections.

NOTE: By an overwhelming 72% to 15% margin, voters believe it is more important to guarantee freedom of speech rather than making sure nothing is done to offend other nations and cultures. Half (51%) think it’s likely the government of Libya was involved in the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and other Americans.

As of this morning, only seven percent (7%) of voters rate national security issues as the most important in Election 2012.

PPP: Obama up 5 points in Virginia - HotAir

I’m taking this one with a pretty serious grain of salt; an NBC/WSJ/Marist poll last week also reported a five-point lead for Obama, but other polls of Virginia don’t seem to find quite such a large gap, and the RCP average shows that Romney has been steadily gaining ground toward Obama in the Old Dominion since the spring. Virginia may have been the quintessential Hopenchange-spellbound swing state last time around, but I’m hesitant to believe the more traditionally red residents will be taken for a ride to such a large degree again.