Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Trump Blasts Obama for Speech on Orlando Attack: He ‘Was More Angry at Me Than He Was at the Shooter’

...What a contrast with Hillary’s speech today, which focused on reinforcing political correctness – attacking so-called assault rifles, as though guns and not fanatics were the problem, and emphasizing the importance of not alienating Muslims by acknowledging that a large and growing segment of the Islamic world is at war with us. What contempt for Muslims who are also victims of Islamic terror!...

The speech was specific, detailed, and on the money. Trump showed how strategic securing the border is, how important stopping immigration from terror zones like Syria is, and how deadly political correctness has become. Political correctness – which transforms the Islamic world, which has a lot to answer for, from aggressors into innocent victims – functions as a shield for Islamic terrorists, and handcuffs law-abiding citizens prompting them not to report suspicious activities by Muslims for fear of being called racist.

Trump was especially courageous (and politically incorrect) in pointing out that the Muslim communities in which the terrorists operate know what is going on but don’t say anything. What a contrast with Hillary’s speech today, which focused on reinforcing political correctness – attacking so-called assault rifles, as though guns and not fanatics were the problem, and emphasizing the importance of not alienating Muslims by acknowledging that a large and growing segment of the Islamic world is at war with us. What contempt for Muslims who are also victims of Islamic terror!

After seeing the president’s comments, Trump critiqued Obama’s “level of anger.”

“The level of anger … that’s the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn’t be here,” Trump said.

Trump added that “many people” agreed with his perspective, paraphrasing a political pundit he saw on Fox News Tuesday who suggested the Republican candidate was getting under Obama’s skin.

“Nobody at the end of that speech understood anything other than, ‘Boy does he hate Donald Trump,’” the Republican said.