Saturday, August 16, 2014

Protecting Obama, stupidly

A Photographer Deleted This Scandalous Photo of Obama From Her Instagram After it Went Viral - IJ Review

Book Publisher Afraid That Bergdahl Book Proposal Will Harm Obama - Daily Caller

(The) senior editor of Atria Books, which is a part of Simon and Schuster, what these soldiers have to say about Bergdahl isn’t as important as protecting Obama from criticism for swapping five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

“I’m not sure we can publish this book without the Right using it to their ends,” Sarah Durand wrote in an e-mail to one of the soldier’s agents, obtained by Yahoo! “[T]he Conservatives are all over Bergdahl and using it against Obama, and my concern is that this book will have to become a kind of ‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.’”

Simon and Schuster covers for Obama - Red State

Memory Holes: The Falsification of history -