Sunday, October 21, 2012

DOOM ANTIDOTE: Today’s your last chance to join the Romney Election Day Task Force and be part of the historic defeat of Obama and the Left!

Join America's Comeback Team and beat the Left at GOTV ground game for the first time in history - Kevin Dujan/Hillbuzz

Today is your very last chance to join the Romney Election Day Task force and become part of the historic defeat of Obama and the Left in a very big and important way. ◼ You can apply to the task force HERE… and in a day or so you will be contacted by the Romney campaign and assigned a role in the GOTV (Get Out the Vote) efforts for Election Day.

Why this matters and is actually so groundbreaking:

There are many cliches we hear repeated over and over and OVER again by the Ministry of Truth that is the national media (Minitru, for short) every election…and the most irritating one has long been that “Democrats have an impressive ground game and GOTV efforts”. For years, I’d hear that and my blood would boil because I’d think “What the heck is wrong with Republicans that they can’t get their stupid act together and do this better than the cat-herders of the Left?”. Well, apparently it took an accomplished and proven manager like Mitt Romney to get the GOP in gear because they are CRUSHING the Left on ground game this year.

...Mitt Romney really proved to us that he deserved to be the nominee this year because man alive what his campaign is pulling off here is INCREDIBLE. This is the most organized and well-run campaign EVER. They’ve finally made it easy for people to help in ways suited to them FROM HOME…and this Election Day Task Force identifies people’s strengths instantly and then finds the best way to utilize everyone. If you are in a state that’s competitive, then you might be assigned to work a polling place using your iPhone app to send real time info to the Romney campaign (including reporting any funny business you see Democrats engaged in). If you’re not in a swing state or a must-win state, you could be assigned to make calls to get people to the polls. I think those who are willing to drive people to vote can hook up with Romney campaign offices through this Task Force as well…and there are things to do even if you can’t spare the entire day on November 6th. Whatever time you have to give, and whatever strengths and talent YOU bring to the table, the Romney campaign can use YOU for GOTV efforts.

Just think about the magnitude of this....

Join America's Comeback Team