Saturday, January 4, 2014

Her conduct that afternoon and in the ensuring days demonstrated that she, like Barack Obama, is totally unfit to be Commander in Chief. When lives were on the line, she played politics and self-preservation.

Hillary Clinton’s Desperation - Larry Johnson/No Quarter

The coordinated push of the last week to try to create a new narrative for the terrorist attack in Benghazi is all about one thing–trying to immunize Hillary Clinton.

But to quote Mrs. Clinton, “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” (Here is where YouTube beats the pants off of mere words on your screen–real tough to give you that screeching, shrill voice that sounds like overgrown finger nails being rasped across a black board).

Yes, what difference does it make? ...

Understanding the Attack in Benghazi and the NY Times Lie - Larry Johnson/No Quarter

This was not an “intelligence” failure. The intelligence correctly noted a worsening threat. It was a policy and leadership failure. The ultimate responsibility for this belongs to Hillary Clinton and Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy. Unfortunately, the Accountability Review Board (which was chaired by Ambassador Thomas Pickering) was appointed by Hillary, supervised by Patrick Kennedy. Pickering and company decided to not interview Hillary Clinton as part of their bogus investigation.