Monday, December 16, 2013

The Death of Obama's "Noble Lie"

powerful Americans for Prosperity ad running in North Carolina:

The disastrous ObamaCare rollout unmasks liberalism's paternalistic dishonesty. - Matt Welch/

For years, liberal commentators have accused conservatives of living in an intellectual "bubble" of their own creation, impervious to reality. But through official intent and intellectual laziness, Democrats have created a bubble of deception surrounding ObamaCare that will affect millions of Americans for years to come. A lie this ignoble should stain the credibility of everyone who perpetuated it.

Poll: Americans Blame Obamacare for Inferior Coverage, Higher Costs - Guy Benson/Townhall

Note well, Democrats: These complaints are unrelated to Obamacare's failed roll-out, and are being driven by the vast majority of Americans covered on the employer-based market -- whom the White House has falsely claimed will not be affected by the law's changes...