Sunday, November 17, 2013

There’s a slight problem: As the President so readily reminded us, Obamacare is still the law of the land. Without undoing the law, everything that has people up in arms—the higher costs, mandates, plan cancellations—will still happen.

Once upon a time, Obamacare was “settled” law that was “here to stay.” Or so President Obama said—before Obamacare failed to survive contact with reality.

The reality is that the Administration is delaying the impact of major parts of the law, including the employer mandate and now the benefit mandates for health plans.

There’s a slight problem: As the President so readily reminded us, Obamacare is still the law of the land. Without undoing the law, everything that has people up in arms—the higher costs, mandates, plan cancellations—will still happen.

And this latest one-year “fix” isn’t a given. As Heritage’s Chris Jacobs put it: “The President’s promise that his new ‘plan’ can allow people to keep their plans is just as flawed and false as his original ‘like your plan/keep it’ pledge.”

The “fix” is another Obama attempt to go outside the law and around Congress. But even the President can’t just un-cancel people’s insurance plans.

Insurance commissioners in several states have already said no, we can’t change the rules again and allow companies to un-cancel plans in our states.

Bless her lying heart! Nancy Pelosi ‘stands tall’ for Obamacare lies; Throws Dems under the bus? - Twitchy

Side-splitting ‘hoop-dee-do!’ Nancy Pelosi’s most idiotic Obamacare defense yet? - Twitchy

Princess Pelosi Gets Her MS14H On - The Other McCain

When we crouch in the rubble, huddled around a fire for warmth, and try to recall just exactly how things went so horribly wrong with the United States, Princess Pelosi will occupy a particular place of scorn. Lord have mercy on her soul, and visit her despicable political career with a healthy dose of justice.

"Obama’s assertion that #Obamacare is 'settled' law that is 'here to stay' is nonsense." - Heritage

When “the law of the land” doesn’t work for the people, the people—through their elected representatives—can change it. The “fix” for Obamacare won’t come from tech gurus. It will come from the American people who want alternatives to government-run health care. Fortunately, Heritage has issued ◼ several commonsense solutions that give the American people power over their health care decisions and dollars.

The American People Rose Up to Repeal a Health Care Law Once Before. They Can Do It Again.