Friday, September 13, 2013

‘It Was American Exceptionalism That Stood Up to the Soviet Union and Freed Hundreds of Millions’

‘It Was American Exceptionalism That Stood Up to the Soviet Union and Freed Hundreds of Millions’ - PJMedia

Sen. Ted Cruz: "Autocrats have reason to fear when Americans focus on our principles and focus on exceptionalism because it’s been American exceptionalism that stood up to the Nazis and stopped the murder from the Nazis, and it was American exceptionalism that stood up to the Soviet Union and freed hundreds of millions from behind the Iron Curtain."

Jim DeMint Writes Letter to Vladimir Putin on American Exceptionalism - In pdf form from Heritage
Misunderstanding American Exceptionalism - RUSH

That op-ed, by the way, that Putin wrote yesterday and American exceptionalism, I made the point when I analyzed that, that Obama doesn't believe in American exceptionalism. He thinks like Putin. He thinks it's bragging. It's unseemly. It's arrogant and conceited. "We're no better than anybody else and there's no such thing.

And, lo and behold, I found a tweet. A friend of mine sent me a tweet from Peter Beinart, who's a well-known leftist.

He worked to use the New Republic, I believe. He's out there, he's on Sunday shows, he's a guest on cable, and he tweeted the following: "At the end of his op-ed Putin said about American exceptionalism what many liberals feel but no American politician would say." So Beinart is admitting the point that I made yesterday. The left agrees with Putin! There is no such thing as American exceptionalism.

I'm telling you, folks, that is a crucially important thing for people to know.

Fair Play! Pravda Allows Sen. McCain To Call Out Putin - Gateway Pundit