Friday, November 9, 2012

Congratulations, American Voting Public…Here Is What YOU Voted For

Four more years. That’s what the American voting public just handed Barack Obama. - RedState

You voters in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania and beyond…TAKE A BOW…this is what you have just handed the rest of America:

1. Obamacare…now cemented into law, affirmed by that idiot John Roberts, will begin to creep into our lives like a stalker in the night. For working Americans, this reality means being forced to purchase health insurance or pay new taxes. It means the watering down and ultimate dismantling of the greatest health care system on Earth as the most inefficient manager of fiscal resources in the history of the planet takes it over.

2. Persistent (and inevitably growing) U6 unemployment. Does that 7.9% U3 unemployment give you warm and fuzzies, people? I sure hope it does…because with the requirements of Obamacare rapidly approaching, you can expect businesses to continue to hire and adjust positions as they have since Obamacare was signed into law. That is, hiring part-time workers and forcing the American public (the portion that isn’t too lazy to work, that is) to work 2-4 (or more) part-time jobs to put bread on the table. But what does it matter that you will be working tirelessly driving from job to job? At least you’ll have free overpriced, government-run healthcare…courtesy of your re-election of Barack Obama....

3. $4-5/gallon gasoline.... 4. The continued acquiescence to Islamic radicals and other tyrants across the globe.... 5. Massive debt. Nothing says “I could care less about the future of my children” than voting back into office a man who is picking their pockets…even before they have left elementary school.... More. At the link.

What to Expect in the Next Four Years - Matthew Vadum/Front Page Magazine

Americans have narrowly voted to reelect a president who will continue policies that will — not may — eventually lead to the downfall of the American republic....

For the time being I’ll leave it to others to hold forth on how best to take on the still-expanding Leviathan that President Obama is piloting but now that some of the initial pain and shock from Tuesday evening is beginning to wear off, let’s take a look at the grim future America faces if it fails to correct its course.

The economy is a shambles and thanks to the news-suppressing Obama-worshipping media, a huge chunk of the populace seems unaware of just how rotten things are. A quick recap: More than 23 million Americans are unemployed, underemployed, or have given up seeking work. The workforce participation rate is the lowest in 30 years. Annual household income is down $4,000. A record 47 million people are on food stamps. The national debt is now an astonishing $16.4 trillion and it’s probably going to shoot up even more.

This is just a smattering of the deeply depressing economic statistics that define the age of Obama....

Eventually strife and unrest will take over America. Federal, state, and local governments will suffer credit rating downgrades, lose their ability to borrow money, and be unable to meet their continuing obligations.

When members of the public, by this point accustomed to feeding at the public teat, stop receiving the government checks they rely on, there will be an explosion that will rock society to its core. Americans will panic. The same thing has happened all over the world again and again.

Secession, revolution, foreign invasion, all these things that look mysterious and crazy and impossible right now could happen in America. We are not immune just because traditionally we’ve thought we’re special. Our ideas at that point won’t matter as we are overtaken by events and outside influences.

Not one of these things has to happen. The future is not carved in stone.

In order for the America we know and love to survive, a belief in freedom, individual rights, and self-reliance will have to resurface throughout the land.

Another four years of Obama may do just that. Americans will have to fight for their country.