Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In a news conference on July 11, President Obama answered a reporter's question on public skepticism about the value of raising the national debt ceiling by saying, "The public is not paying close attention to the ins and outs of how a Treasury option goes."

Whether or not Americans were paying attention then, they sure are now, especially if they watch Fox News Channel. - LA Times

Among those tuning into cable news to see the president's latest speech on the debt ceiling at 6 p.m. PT on Monday, FNC viewers outnumbered those watching competitors CNN and MSNBC by a comfortable margin.

Over 3.5 million watched the president's address on FNC, with a slight uptick to 4 million for....

...the GOP response from Speaker of the House John Boehner (with over 1.2 million in the coveted Adults 25-54 demographic). CNN came in second, with just over two million viewers for both the speech and the response. MSNBC brought up the rear with nearly 1.6 million for the speech and slightly less for Boehner's comments.

While CNN's ordinarily anemic primetime ratings normally spike during speeches, conventions and other political events, it may have lost some viewers because the speech came smack in the middle of network primetime...

FNC viewers were treated to a particularly tart response to Obama's remarks from contributor Charles Krauthammer, who said, "I thought I was cynical until I heard that speech."

MSNBC's Chris Matthews pointed out the president didn't "make news," as presidents usually do when they ask for a primetime TV slot, and said, "the President should not have gone on national television to give a political address."

CNN senior political analyst David Gergen labeled both addresses as "partisan."

And, finally, taking off his comedian hat for a moment and putting on his political pundit hat, Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, under the title of "Armadebtdon 2011: The End of the World as We Owe It," commented on the Commander in Chief's request for Americans to call their congressional representatives by asking, "Did the president just quit?"