Friday, March 3, 2017

Trump’s Interior Secretary scraps Obama-era ban on lead bullets, expands hunting fishing and recreation on publiclands.

Hours after literally riding into town on a horse for his first day on the job, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Thursday scrapped an Obama-era ban on hunting with lead bullets on federal lands....

“Over the past eight years … hunting, and recreation enthusiasts have seen trails closed and dramatic decreases in access to public lands across the board,” Mr. Zinke said in a statement. “It worries me to think about hunting and fishing becoming activities for the land-owning elite. This package of secretarial orders will expand access for outdoor enthusiasts and also make sure the community’s voice is heard.”

...Mr. Zinke also signed another order Thursday ordering all agencies within the Interior Department to identify areas where outdoor recreation, hunting and fishing can be expanded.
“Outdoor recreation is about both our heritage and our economy. Between hunting, fishing, motorized recreation, camping and more, the industry generates thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic activity,” the secretary said.