Friday, July 22, 2016

#DNCleaks: Constructing an anti-'Bernie narrative' - How the Democrat National Committee planned to attack Bernie Sanders

"Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess.

Specifically, DWS had to call Bernie directly in order to get the campaign to do things because they'd either ignored or forgotten to something critical.

She had to call Bernie after the data breach to make his staff to respond to our concerns. Even then they didn't get back to us, which is why we had to shut off their access in order to get them to finally let us know exactly how they snooped around HFA's data.

Same was true with the standing committee appointments. They never got back to us with their names (HFA and even O'Malley got there's in six weeks earlier) for the committees. So, again, the chair had to call Bernie personally for his staff to finally get us critical information. So, they gave us an awful list just a few days before we had to make the announcements.

It's not a DNC conspiracy, it's because they never had their act together."

Earlier today, WikiLeaks posted nearly 20,000 hacked emails from the DNC, but this one from Jordan Kaplan finance director stood out as the funniest one we’ve seen so far.