Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dear Liberal Caller Who Thinks “Republicans Are Evil”…

A liberal friend of my home station called in and said, “The Republican party is evil, and must be destroyed.” - Steven Crowder/Louder With Crowder

To clarify, he’s not a close friend, but I have friends all across the political spectrum and felt it necessary to address. What I find fascinating is that this mindset is quite common on the left. I know lots of people on the right who want to defeat, politically, the actions and legislation of Democrats each election, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard it said that they must be “destroyed.” The Conservatives that I talk to regularly know that a system with checks and balances is imperative. It was put in place by the founding fathers for a reason....

The thing that bothers me the most is that this friend/caller says Republicans are “evil.” Some are incompetent, for sure… but typically, the Conservatives I know are anything but evil. I know a lovely woman who is homeschooling the brightest, most charming kids I’ve ever met. I know a young man who has a painting of the founding fathers on his office wall, right next to a painting of Jesus, and on the other wall, he has a magnificent photograph of a World War II bomber. He’s patriotic, he has faith, and he respects the Constitution. I don’t see that as evil… even if I am an agnostic, and don’t fully understand religion. The Conservatives I know donate to charities, they have calm discussions, and when they gather in public, they clean up after themselves. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

I know many very good people who are liberals too…however, liberals do have a very different outlook as to what is right and wrong. Even as an agnostic...