Saturday, March 28, 2015

Obama's Love Bomb Offensive

President Obama says Rudy Giuliani was wrong. He does, too, love America. That’s good enough for me. He says he’s a Christian, despite his constant love bombs for Islam, and if that’s good enough for God it’s good enough for me, too. - Wesley Pruden/Washington Times

...Mr. Obama, for reasons known only to him, reserves his most potent love bombs for Islam, perhaps in gratitude for the early education he received in Islamic schools in Indonesia. He was so blinded by gratitude that he can’t see the Islamic radicals everyone else sees clearly. No one at the White House dare call radical Islamic terrorists either “Islamic” or “radical.”

But his throwing a stink bomb at Israel just now is puzzling. “The failure to maintain the degree of mature and co-operative discretion that officials from several governments have exercised until now marks a serious change in the code of conduct,” a government source tells the Weekly Standard. “It is not wise to draw attention to [the Israeli nuclear program] because it would tend to destabilize the international order and encourage others to pursue nuclear capabilities.”