Thursday, January 15, 2015

What Romney Can Do

I have a solution for Romney. He should throw caution to winds — BE THE PRESIDENT NOW (caps definitely mine — yes, I’m shouting)!!! - Roger L. Simon/PJM

Why do I say that? Because America doesn’t have a real president at the moment and we are at war with radical Islam. ( I should add a “duh” in there.) The reactionary creep in the White House won’t even name it, let alone fight it. And we don’t have time to wait until 2017 to turn this around, as Jay Sekulow pointed out on Hannity. In a couple of months things could be spinning out of control, so many jihadists popping up in Europe, here, Australia, and everywhere else, we won’t know how to count them. And that’s not even including all the cyber war that’s going to be waged against us and already is.

Romney should put all the traditional election nonsense on the back burner, forget the fundraising and the tedious position papers on the various issues. That stuff can wait, if it’s even important. He should take the bully pulpit for himself now and tell America and the world what we should do about radical Islam. Nobody else is doing it and we’ve been fighting this undeclared war for 14 years. And the bad guys are ahead and growing It’s not just the major issue. It’s the only issue, if we don’t win. Who cares if we do or don’t have Obamacare, if we’re living under Shari’ah law?