Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Washington (AFP) - With no new Ebola cases in five days, US authorities were cautious but hopeful that the virus has been contained in the United States after a flawed response revealed shortcomings in the system. - AFP
About 100 more people, most of them health care workers, are being tracked in Texas after coming in contact with the first patient diagnosed in the United States in late September.

Still, officials said it was reassuring that no new infections had emerged in recent days.

"We are breathing a little bit easier, but we are still holding our breath," said Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings.
Hospital Requiring Patients To Knock Before Entering ER...
Must Answer Set Of Questions Before Allowed In...
CDC releases new Ebola gear guidelines...
Liberia's broken medical system fails to keep track of patients...
Study Projects Spread of Virus...
Obama Repeats: You Can't Get Ebola on Bus -- Day After Bus Quarantined...
Drama continues around NBC News' chief medical editor...

The American Ebola patient you haven’t heard about - The Right Scoop

Apparently there is a secret Ebola patient that is on the way to a full recovery that no one has mentioned yet. As a friend of mine wondered, if this Ebola patient had died would anyone have told us about it?

Another U.S. Ebola Patient Recovers at Emory - NBC

Trial Ebola Vaccine Set for January Rollout in West Africa, WHO Says - NBC

The WHO, in consultation with health authorities in the countries most affected by the outbreak of the disease that has killed more than 4,500, will decide on how the experimental vaccine will be distributed and used. About 1,000 people a week are being infected with Ebola, according to the organization, which has warned the number could rise to between 5,000 and 10,000 a week. The WHO has cautioned that experimental vaccines cannot immediately help to control the worsening epidemic, but could be used to help protect the health workers needed to get it under control.

Infection Protection: New CDC Ebola Guidelines Stress Gear Ritual

...the CDC has received more than 400 calls from hospitals who feared they had an Ebola patient. About 10 percent seemed worth investigating, he said. Not one since Duncan has turned out to actually have Ebola. But the CDC expects more cases could come so long as Ebola continues to ravage Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.