Monday, October 27, 2014

Democrats’ phony ‘GOP war on women’ dredges up the ’60s

Gloria Steinem’s feminist angst doesn’t move women anymore - Tammy Bruce/Washington Times

It looks as though the Democrats are panicking over the midterms enough that they’ve called out the warhorse, Gloria Steinem. Yes, the Democrats have worked very hard to keep women back in the ‘60s, and now they are, literally, trying to convince American women that nothing has changed, and victims all will be. If the “evil” GOP wins, of course.

The problem for the Democrats is that women have realized the supposed feminist movement hasn’t been about improving the quality of women’s lives at all, but about promoting the liberal agenda, which as we see, continues to destroy everyone’s quality of life....

Democrats simply don’t think women have minds of their own. We not only see, but live, the results of their craven, inept and corrupt policies. Obamacare is one thing, the ongoing economic stagnation that continues to drive wages down as we become an Obama part-time-job nation also makes life more difficult, whether you are a married or single woman.

We have a world on fire because of Mr. Obama’s bizarre, passive allowance of tyrants to grow strong and wreak havoc. The Democrats think women care more about getting an abortion than the wars that will be fought by the loved ones and children of women, and by women themselves.

Single women have also had enough. All women must ask the question whether they’re better off now than six years ago, and the answer for them, like everyone else, is a resounding no....