Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A progressive cannot ask the question “Is there something about Islam that makes it more violent and oppressive than other religions?” This question cannot be asked on the left. It doesn’t compute. It’s like asking a normal person “What does purple smell like?”

What the Western Secular Left Knows About Islam - Gay Patriot

...imagine if Obama were instead pontificating about other religions. What if he said, “Roman Catholicism is a religion of choice, and real Roman Catholics reject the notion that the Pope is infallible and they support abortion.” What if he said, “Every real Jew knows the Orthodox Jews are a fanatical fringe and reject their literal obedience to the Talmud.” People might question his qualifications to make such judgments about religions.

When it comes to religion, the progressive left has two thoughts. 1. All religions are pretty much equal, but Christianity is less equal and 2. All religions are bullsh-t. And the progressive mind can’t move outside that box, and can’t conceive of Islam being other than what progressivism thinks Islam should be; another bullsh-t religion just with browner people and different food. A progressive cannot ask the question “Is there something about Islam that makes it more violent and oppressive than other religions?” This question cannot be asked on the left. It doesn’t compute. It’s like asking a normal person “What does purple smell like?”