Friday, August 29, 2014

President Obama's own inversion

...even as his administration has been measuring the guillotine for the formerly American ground-beef monarch, Obama was himself hatching a plan with the openly stated purpose of moving beyond the confines of U.S. law. - Washington Examiner EDITORIAL

...In its zeal to court wealthy environmentalist donors, the Obama White House announced plans to negotiate and sign a climate accord at a United Nations summit in Paris next year. There's just one catch: There is zero chance that an agreement on this topic will get the 67 votes required for ratification in the Senate.

Why bother with a treaty that will have no legal authority in the United States? The only reason for it is to pressure the Americans he ostensibly represents at the negotiating table into conforming with nations on the opposite side of the issue. As the New York Times put it, “Obama's climate negotiators are devising what they call a 'politically binding' deal that would 'name and shame' countries into cutting their emissions.”

And so having failed during six years in office to get his way — the public is utterly unpersuaded of the need for laws that impose drastic, economy-crippling reductions in carbon emissions — the president is now carrying out his own inversion by enlisting foreign governments to overcome domestic resistance. At next year's summit in Paris, Obama plans to negotiate against you. If corporate inversions are suddenly unpatriotic, what is one to make of this?...