Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Business groups challenging Obamacare legality in court Tuesday

"Of all the legal challenges to the law, this is the one that has the potential for blowing the whole thing up," Mike Tanner, a health care policy expert at the libertarian Cato Institute, told the Washington Examiner. - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner

The lawsuit challenges the legality of tax subsidies provided under the law to help people buy health insurance. It's being heard after U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman in October rejected the administration's request to throw out the case.

...Washington and Lee law professor Timothy Jost said a victory for the business group could accomplish something congressional Republicans have failed to achieve after dozens of attempts: It could torpedo Obamacare. Exempting people in the states covered by the lawsuit could undercut Obamacare's financial stability.

"Basically we are now at the first step, on the merits of the case," Jost said. "So this case has gotten through the front door, but I'm confident this court is going to throw this out."...