Sunday, June 16, 2013



Paul Ryan on Facebook

Happy Father's Day to the great Dads across America! Thank you for supporting your families, setting good examples of working hard, and selflessly sharing your time and energy; and thank you for the strength you provide the country's foundation. God Bless our fathers.

- Sarah Palin on Facebook

Remembering My Dad on Father’s Day - Newt Gingrich

Honoring Our Fathers – Both Earthly and Heavenly - Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Today is Father's Day and we would like to send our best to all the fathers out there.

We would also like to give thanks for one of our party's founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln freed the slaves, preserved our nation, and gave us a Party through which we can achieve growth and opportunity - Republican Party of Louisiana

“A father carries pictures where his money used to be.”

Happy Father's Day!