Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Fall Of The Church Of Big Government: Obama's Scandalous Legacy

Obama's Scandalous Legacy - Pete Du Pont/Wall St. Journal

He has given Americans new reason to distrust the government.

We are seeing all around us the signs of a collapse. Not just economic collapse, social collapse or imperial collapse. - Strata-sphere

What we are seeing is the collapse of the myth surrounding the all powerful, all knowing, all pure, Big-Government!

The Religion of Liberalism & the New Heretics - James Hitchcock/Crisis Magazine

...religious animosity is at a higher level now than it has been for decades. While conservative believers are often aggressive in their criticisms of the liberal society, they are seen—rightly or wrongly—as being a minority, and they have little influence over the mass media, most of the educational system, or the agencies of government.
 For the most part, conservative believers have learned to accept a pluralist society, and their battles—such as over the Obama health plan or public-school textbooks—are merely on behalf of their rights as citizens. But as did most Catholics and Protestants in earlier times, the religion of liberalism considers itself the one true faith that has the obligation (and the power) to impose its beliefs.

When conservative believers demand their rights as citizens, they fail to realize that, as far as the religion of liberalism is concerned, “error has no rights.” The religion of liberalism holds that the media and the educational system should enshrine liberal beliefs and discredit conservative ones, that government should enforce liberal programs by law, and that it is an open question how far heretics should even enjoy freedom of expression.