Sunday, May 12, 2013


On Sunday, Americans will pay tribute to mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers all across the country. Some families are lucky enough to be anchored by women who excel at being all three. There is a family you may have heard of in Alaska that happens to be included in that fortunate bunch. - KEVIN SCHOLLA/BREITBART

Sally Heath rarely gives interviews. Unlike her daughter, Sarah, you'll never catch her tweeting or posting a major political message on Facebook. Mrs. Heath enjoys playing her role away from the limelight. Her role however, while perhaps unnoticed by the media machine, has been critical in shaping her family....

Sally Heath, a woman who has succeeded in this arena, offered some more sage advice.

"One of the keys is listening, without judging," Heath said. "Look them in the eye and honestly pay attention to what they're saying. I wish I had just listened more, they're so interesting, and every day I knew they had things to share with the family, and you just get so caught up in the duties around the house, it's too easy not to take the time to listen to them. Really there's so much teaching to do without saying a word to them. You are the way you act and if you want your children to be like you, you better be towing the mark all the time. They're very observant and they don't forget the slip-ups that we all make."

Judging by the way the Heath kids turned out, Sally Heath's slip-ups were few and far between.