Monday, March 4, 2013

Let’s starve! Kids forced to go hungry for 7 hours during Michelle Obama media event

A very courageous fifth teacher in the Chicago Public Schools has written a scathing critique of the almost comical misery she and her students endured when they participated in a massive February 28 event kicking off Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Active Schools campaign. - Daily Caller

White House officials called the event “a groundbreaking, earth-shattering, awesomely-inspiring day.”

Lisa Putnam and her fifth grades most certainly did not experience the event the same way, however. According to Putnam, the event at Chicago’s McCormick Place (the largest convention center in North America) was an unmitigated catastrophe.

...“If you are a parent, imagine that you take your child on a trip and they are very excited,” writes Putnam. “Now imagine they have to wait on a bus and stand in straight lines for three hours straight. Then imagine after one hour of ‘fun’ that they have to sit around and wait for three more hours that bus to pick them up. Oh, did I mention that are not allowed to have a morsel of food the entire time?” (As per the request of Michelle Obama and her massive support staff, none of the children brought any food or drinks.)

In her devastating piece, Putnam explains that she was initially enthusiastic about her and her students’ participation in the kickoff of the Let’s Move! campaign — not least because it offered a chance to let off steam before a grueling battery of standardized tests next week.

However, that enthusiasm waned almost immediately.

Most of the 90-minute trip to the convention center was spent sitting behind all the other busses full of kids staffers had shipped in as props....


If Ms. Putnam and her associates were given a modest budget and tasked with designing a weekend program to get their students excited about exercise and proper diet, they almost certainly would have come up with something far more fun and productive than this Kafkaesque nightmare.

Come to think of it, is it too early to introduce these kids to Kafka, Orwell, and Huxley? That would be a way to build off this experience and prepare them for life under ObamaCare and other bureaucratic horrors. They signed up for a crusade against childhood obesity, but instead they received a useful lesson in one of the education establishment’s previous obsessions: bullying.

Veteran’s Story About Michelle Obama Using War Amputees for Photo Props - Sooper Mexican

I’ve had veterans tell me a very similar story:Kids forced to go hungry for hours during Michelle Obama media event…
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) March 4, 2013

.@az_susan She told the soldiers and caregivers from Walter Reed they were receiving an award and having a luncheon. Neither one existed.
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) March 5, 2013