Thursday, February 7, 2013

The true story of sequester

link - Bill Wilson/Net Right Daily

A little discussed impact of sequestration, due to take effect on March 1, is the fact that after 2014, spending will increase every single year in both defense and non-defense categories, reports the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

In addition, there are real spending cuts, but they come nowhere near to totaling the $1 trillion figure that has been reported by various government agencies...

For example, sequester partially hits Medicare, but for that program spending will rise from its 2012 level of $551 billion to $592 billion in 2013, to $605 billion in 2014, and so forth. CBO never foresees a decrease there.

...The point that must be made is that the American people were promised these cuts.
To secure the votes needed to suspend the $16.394 trillion debt ceiling until May 19, House leaders had to promise members they would stick to the sequestration.

In fact, all of these cuts were the price for increasing the debt ceiling by $2.1 trillion in August 2011. Imagine that, $2.1 trillion in new borrowing authority, that the government burnt through in less than two years — in exchange for just $115.3 billion of real cuts.

Now it’s questionable if those will even be kept in place. If the House caves on sequester, members’ promises of cuts down the road will forever ring hollow and empty to the American people. If the Republican Party does not stand for getting our fiscal house in order and keeping the tax burden low, what does it stand for?

It is time to stand strong on the sequester. This is no time to go all wobbly — because much, much more needs to be done down the road to save this country from certain bankruptcy. read the whole thing, at the link