Friday, February 22, 2013

CFRW Capitol Update

Bill Deadline Today!

Today is the last day for the legislature to introduce bills this session. At press time, the total number of bills introduced is 1503, 924 from the Assembly and 579 from the Senate. Many of these bills are “spot bills,” bills that are introduced as a place holder on the legislative calendar for the author to insert language into the bill later in the process. Also many of these bills will be subjected to a “gut and amend,” in which a bill that has already been approved by several committees is stripped and entirely new bill language replaces it. Both “spot bills” and “gut and amend” are commonplace in the legislature. Last session Republicans in both the Assembly and the Senate cried foul to these practices, stating it wasn’t fair to Californians who don’t have time to read the bills and participate in their government. These topics will come up again this session, and we intend to stay on top of them!

CRP Convention

Next weekend is the California Republican Party convention in Sacramento. There we will be electing a new party chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. If you are a delegate to the party and will not be attending the convention, please send the CFRW your proxy ASAP! Be sure to fill it out and send it to:

1029 J St., #340
Sacramento, CA 95616

We will also be having our CFRW caucus meeting on Saturday, March 2nd, from 2-4 in room 205 at the Convention Center. Be sure to attend!


The Calls to Advocacy are in the mail and available ONLINE HERE! Be sure to reserve your hotel room at the Sheraton Sacramento for our 38th Annual Advocacy Workshop, April 8-9. We have an exciting program lined up, with our keynote speaker Katy Grimes of CalWatchDog! The theme for our high school students is ACTIVISM. We want them leaving the workshop engaged in the political process and excited to get involved! For more information or further questions, email our Advocate at

President’s Message

Dear CFRW Members,

Working together we can accomplish much. IF you are a delegate for the California Republican Party, and not attending the convention, please give your proxy to a member of the Federation. We will also be having a caucus meeting on Saturday, check in at the CFRW Exhibition Booth for the correct time and location. Also, for those staying overnight, we will have a suite. We will leave the suite number at the Exhibition Suite, in case you want to stop by to visit or crash for a few minutes during the day.

As CFRW members we truly hope to have a good showing at the convention, as we vote for new leadership, and give lots of good wishes to our outgoing leaders. We are the strong, positive, heart and of soul of this party, locally and nationally. Let us show our strength by wearing your CFRW ribbons at this event. You guessed it – ribbons are at the Exhibition Booth.

We need you to mark your calendars for October 25-27, 2013, for our CFRW Convention. YES, we had to change the date again. It is important you make arrangements to be in attendance, as you will be voting for the 2014-15 CFRW Leadership.

We are asking to attend your respective division meetings, as each division will be electing delegates for their respective Nomination Committees and the CFRW Nomination Committee. Be involved and make a difference. We cannot be angry with the populace for not voting, IF we do not show by example. MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD. We hope to see you at your meetings.


Have a fantastic weekend.

Carol Hadley
CFRW President