Thursday, November 29, 2012

Not Particularly Concerned?

Obama’s chief propagandist Jay Carney says that the White House “isn’t particularly concerned” about whether or not Susan Rice misled the public on Benghazi. Oh, isn’t that special? But actually, I believe that. This is a White House that has raised misleading the American people to an art form. - Neal Boortz

...So of COURSE Obama isn’t “particularly concerned” that Rice misled the public on Benghazi. She was sent out do to exactly that! Why should the White House be concerned when everything goes exactly the way they planned it!

I’m guessing that the White House isn’t “particularly concerned” that Dear Ruler himself also went to the United Nations and mentioned the YouTube video a dozen times while never mentioning al Qaeda?

The White House may not be “particularly concerned” about any of these things … but we damned well should be.

We should be concerned about the fact that the creator of that YouTube video is still sitting in jail while whomever is responsible for the attack is still roaming free.
We should be concerned about the fact that Dear Ruler went to sleep without knowing the status of our ambassador or our citizens at that consulate.

We should be concerned that Dear Ruler jetted to a campaign event in Las Vegas just hours after radical Islamists attacked and killed American citizens.

We should be concerned that the administration is not concerned about the idea of being truthful with the American people.

We should be .. but we’re not. Obama engaged in one of the biggest cover-ups of all time – much bigger than Watergate – and this was a cover-up where four Americans DIED....