Monday, August 13, 2012

Yet another so-called “Recovery Summer” has come and nearly gone and Americans are still reeling from the failures of Obamanomics. It’s been a full year since Treasury Secretary and admitted tax cheat Timothy F. Geithner announced, “Welcome to the recovery.”

Desperate Democrats reek of fear - Dr. Milton R. Wolf/The Washington Times

Recovery? The gross-domestic-product growth rate slowed to 1.5 percent. The unemployment rate ticked up to 8.3 percent. Twenty-three million Americans are unemployed. A nearly $16 trillion debt looms large. A record 45 million Americans are on food stamps. More than 100 million are on some form of welfare. America’s credit rating has been downgraded.

The president’s response? “We tried our plan — and it worked.” This was his plan? Now his only plan is to attack Mitt Romney.

That giant crackling sound you hear is Team Obama burning through tens of millions of dollars to attack the presumptive Republican presidential nominee....

The campaign of hope and change is now the gang of false blood libel. Team Obama actually blamed Mr. Romney for the tragic cancer death of a woman named Ranae Soptic....

When confronted with (the) facts, the Obama campaign — and there’s no easy way to put this — did not tell the truth. It was caught red-handed. Recognizing the radioactive and demonstrably dishonest claims put forward by the Obama-friendly super PAC Priorities USA, top officials in both the Obama campaign and the White House falsely claimed that they were unaware of the patently dishonest Soptic story. Bald-faced falsehoods and falsehoods about falsehoods....

Forget governing a nation. Team Obama isn’t even competent enough to lie with enough believability that its lapdogs in the media can cover for it. Perhaps even they can smell the sulfuric stench of desperation and dishonesty wafting from the “Yes we can!” White House.