Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How "You didn't build that" became "He didn't say that"

How "You didn't build that" became "He didn't say that" - Tim Cavanaugh/Reason Mag

The president's supporters have a multipronged counterargument: Either he didn't make those comments or they were taken out of context or even if they are in context they don't matter because we should be reading between the lines.

Obama tries to explain entrepreneurs comments - Dave Boyer/The Washington Times, Thursday, July 19

Facing more bad news on the housing front and a surge in the polls by his Republican rival, President Obama changed his tune Thursday night about some roundly criticized comments that entrepreneurs don’t build businesses on their own.

“I was saying the other day, we take pride in individual initiative and … we don’t like handouts,” Mr. Obama told supporters in West Palm Beach, Fla. “We don’t expect government to solve every problem and we don’t think the government should help people who don’t want to even help themselves."

The president’s message differed in style from the one he delivered last Friday in Roanoke, Va.