Wednesday, January 15, 2014

CARSON: America is dragged down by Obama regulations

When government grows too large, dependency replaces achievement - Ben S. Carson/Washington Times (image source)

...Both free enterprise and government want to grow. The free-enterprise system creates wealth and grows the economy, but it is hindered when it is constantly manipulated by government interference and, I dare say, predation. Government growth saps the lifeblood of an expanding economy; namely, money. It is like a spider sucking dry a fly caught in its web, getting ever bigger and requiring more victims to sustain its growth....

We have strayed far from the idea of independent life and personal responsibility for our populace. Many of our young people cannot even conceive of a world in which personal freedom reigns supreme. This does not mean that we should not try to recapture the spirit of freedom and courage that characterized our rapid ascent to the pinnacle of world power.

We the people must control the government before it attains the size and power that will preclude that possibility. It is time we begin discussing with friends, associates and neighbors our vision for our nation and how to realize it. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It is an issue of freedom in America for everyone and our progeny.
Ben S. Carson is professor emeritus of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.