Friday, April 1, 2016

Obama's $3.5 Million on His and Hers Hawaii Flights, Argentina trip cost $1.4 Million

France: Exodus of 10,000 millionaires amid rising Muslim tensions

PARIS CLEARS MIGRANT CAMP OF 1000... Austria shuts down borders...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

EPA Dumps 880,000 Lbs Of Toxic Metal Into River, Won’t Answer Any Questions

AP CONFIRMS! Obama “Gifts” To Iran Not In Nuke Deal

...Last week we reported the Associated Press discover a secret Obama administration plan to provide Iran with another wave of sanctions relief above and beyond those required by the P5+1 nuclear deal (simply because the Iranians are demanding the extra gift). The new administration capitulation goes way beyond the nuclear-related Iran sanctions relief granted as part of the summer deal, and break promises made to members of congress, namely giving Iran access to U.S. financial markets and the dollar.

The secret plans have been confirmed in a Thursday report by the AP’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper....

The FBI stalks Hillary while Bill Clinton trolls Obama

Do Bill and Hillary Clinton sense a breakdown in whatever deal they may have struck with President Obama to protect her presidential ambitions? Is whatever negotiation they may have been conducting over her email server problem and any inside information she may have on him now imploding? Or have the Clintons “won” the negotiation with Mr. Obama, freeing them to hit him publicly to get her elected?

Something has happened, which has led Mr. Clinton to openly slam Mr. Obama: ” If you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us ” he said recently. A few days later, Chelsea Clinton launched a broadside on Obamacare’s costs. A classic Clintonian one-two punch, coming just days before a report that the FBI is seeking interviews with Mrs. Clinton’s top aides, and likely Mrs. Clinton herself. Most investigations interview the target last....


Damien Schiff on what happens when land is labeled ‘#wetlands’

...a landmark case about Clean Water Act regulation, and whether Americans have a right to their day in court if their land is labeled as “wetlands” subject to federal jurisdiction.

The hearing in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co. would be important in any case, but it carries special significance in the wake of the passing of Supreme CourtJustice Antonin Scalia. The outcome could test how durable Justice Scalia’s legacy will prove on some key issues that held special interest for him: the boundaries of federal environmental power, and the degree to which regulators are accountable to the courts.

Indeed, in one sense, the Hawkes case is fundamentally about regulatory accountability and the rule of law. From another standpoint, it is about property owners’ rights. These two perspectives merge into a single compelling question: Should landowners have the right of judicial appeal over regulatory decisions that affect their lives and livelihoods, or are unelected environmental bureaucrats their own judges and juries?

The issue is brought before the court by three related, family-owned businesses — Hawkes Co., providing peat for golf courses and other sports turf applications; and Pierce Investment and LPF Properties, which own some peat land. They are prevented from using property in Marshall County, Minnesota, because it has been designated as federally controlled “wetlands.” The designation is factually and legally questionable, so the businesses want the courts to review it. But the Obama administration argues that such wetlands “jurisdictional determinations” cannot be challenged until the property owner has navigated a long and expensive permit process — and received a denial.....


Officials searching for CIA, FBI badge counterfeiter...

AWKWARD: Feinstein GOOGLES Clinton 'Accomplishments' During Interview

Pennsylvania Supreme Court finds Ted Cruz eligible to run

Donald Trump huddles with RNC in Washington

Trump’s visit to the RNC came as he swung back into presidential mode on Thursday, also convening a meeting in Washington with members of his newly established foreign policy team and rolling out his U.S. House Leadership Committee as the real estate mogul tries to build a more sturdy campaign.

Those close to Trump say, despite appearances to the contrary, he’s interested in unifying the party around him and reaching out to key GOP figures. His advisers remain optimistic that Trump will win the 1,237 delegates needed for the Republican nomination, but say he’s eager to coalesce the party — including those who’ve been reluctant to embrace him.

Trump himself expressed a desire for unity, tweeting on Thursday afternoon, “Just had a very nice meeting with @Reince Priebus and the @GOP. Looking forward to bringing the Party together --- and it will happen!”

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trump, Cruz, Kasich abandon pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee

Kasich busily promoting amnesty for illegal aliens; says it's "ridiculous" to expect foreigners to respect our laws.

Conservative super-PAC launches #NeverHillary ad campaign

"If a Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research’s estimate is accurate, public pension debt in California is even worse than feared."

Hugh Hewitt imagines Ted Cruz and John Kasich plotting a brokered convention

Monday, March 28, 2016

Fidel Castro Rips Obama’s Starry-Eyed Cuba Visit

U.S. Capitol suspect shot & in custody

Clinton email probe enters new phase as FBI interviews loom

How CA GOP Rules Could Help Ted Cruz: Winner-take-all-by-district system, only Republicans can vote in the Primary

...only Republicans can participate in the primary process in the nation’s largest state, and California has a winner-take-all-by-district system that may allow Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97%
to mount a comeback against frontrunner Donald Trump.

In 1998, Michael Schroeder was Chair of the State GOP. Schroeder was instrumental, as a member of the RNC’s Rules Committee, in securing language that was adopted into the official Rules of the party:

Any state Republican Party may set the date for any primary, caucus, convention or meeting for the purpose of voting for a presidential candidate and/or electing, selecting, allocating or binding delegates to the national convention. … To the extent a state Republican Party’s rules are in conflict with its state laws with respect to this rule, the provisions of this rule and the state Republican Party’s rules shall control.

Schroeder also successfully led an effort to amend the California GOP rules to make it clear that only Republicans can vote in the primary....

Also in 1998, then-State Senator Ray Haynes, a prominent California conservative, was lamenting the atrophy of GOP infrastructure in parts of the state from which Republican legislative representation was receding. Haynes worked with a member of his staff, Tom Hudson, to shift California’s delegate selection process to winner-take-all-by-district....

“By giving presidential candidates an incentive to develop that infrastructure in every congressional seat in the state — that is, the incentive of delegates — the California Republican Party will be strengthened.”

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday Funnies (And Not-So-Funny)