Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rand Paul has been *standing* for more than 9 hours

He is filibustering President Obama’s nomination of John Brennan to head the CIA, objecting to the apparent Obama administration policy that it can execute, without trial or charge, U.S. citizens, even when they pose no imminent threat, and even when they are on U.S. soil. - Timothy P. Carney/Washington Examiner @TPCarney

...Paul has been standing the whole time: When Paul takes questions from other Senators, he continues to hold the floor. For that reason, he must continue to stand–on the floor. Some of his allies have deliberately given very lengthy questions, which gives Paul a break, and a chance to talk with his staff, but not to go to the bathroom, catch a smoke, or rest his feet....

Sen. Mark Kirk made a touching gesture, and reference to “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” Around 6:15, Sen. Mark Kirk came onto the Senate floor. Kirk is recovering from a stroke, and so he painfully limped, with a cane in his right hand, and his left leg rigid, down the stairs to the well, where Paul’s desk was. Kirk then delivered to Paul — while Paul was speaking — a thermos and an apple. Those were Jimmy Stewart’s sustenance during his filibuster in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” The thermos had hot tea in it....