Thursday, March 7, 2013

Drudge, this morning...

OLD BULLS BUCK RAND STAND - Stephen Dinan/Washington Times
Almost exactly 24 hours after Mr. Paul began his information-seeking filibuster against John O. Brennan, Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham took to the Senate floor to denounce his demands and say he was doing a “disservice” to the debate on drones.
McCain tells Sen. Paul to 'calm down' - Brian Doherty/Reason
The Republican Party is at war, folks, and let's hope Rand Paul and his troops win.
Graham calls freshman 'ridiculous' - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit
DUO DINED WITH OBAMA DURING FILIBUSTER: Obama Pays Dinner Tab - Keith Koffler/White House Dossier
WH finally answers Rand Paul's question - Joel Gehrke/Washington Examiner @joelmentum
Holder's Letter to Rand Paul: 'No,' the U.S. Can't Use Drone to Kill Citizen Not Engaged in Combat on U.S. Soil - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard
DRONE WARS: 12-HOUR RANDPAGE! - Stephen Dinan/Washington Times
President Barack Obama has the authority to use an unmanned drone strike to kill US citizens on American soil, his attorney general has said. - Telegraph
Holder: 'The Government Has No Intention' of Carrying Out Drone Strikes in America - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard
KRAUTHAMMER: 'Stroke of political genius' - Noel Sheppard/Newsbusters
Young bucks, new GOP power brokers join Paul - Stephen Dinan/Washington Times

Lindsey Graham: Premise of Rand Paul’s filibuster is ridiculous - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin

Yesterday’s filibuster by Sen. Rand Paul was all about a fairly simple question for the president: Is it constitutional to order a drone strike on an American citizen who is not an imminent threat on American soil without due process?

There was no response from the White House where a Nobel Peace Prize adorns a West Wing wall.
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham — being a courtly southern gentlemen who doesn’t believe in troubling the man who just bought him dinner — found Paul’s entire premise outlandish:
“This idea that we’re going to use a drone to attack an American citizen in a cafe in America is ridiculous.”
Well, in that case it should be an easy question to answer, shouldn’t it?

The many and varied Rand Paul filibuster accomplishments - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

Rand Paul filibuster energizes Tea Party against GOP establishment - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner

"There couldn't have been a starker contrast between the new leadership of Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz and the old guard of McCain and Graham," noted one GOP aide.

McCain defended his criticisms of Paul, telling The Washington Examiner that the Kentucky lawmaker's opposition to drones would limit the president's power to stop terrorists.

"I think the whole argument, if we went that way, would threaten our national security," McCain said.

But Paul told The Examiner that McCain is wrong and that the public backs his efforts to curb government overreach, a central Tea Party tenet.

"He's dismissive of something that involves the discussion of whether the Fifth Amendment applies to American citizens," Paul said. "And I consider that to be a very important issue."