Sunday, March 11, 2012

'We Can’t Wait!' Obama Harnesses More Control Over Private Businesses

Barack Obama often seems annoyed by the limitations of his office these days, especially with a Congress that occasionally disagrees with him. - Austin Hill /Townhall

So rather than let something silly like the co-equal branches of government get in the way, the President has chosen instead to harness the mantra “We Can’t Wait!” (do an online search with the mantra and his name), and then impose his controls over our economy by executive mandates.

With an unending supply of programs to stimulate everything from domestic tourism to farm production, President Obama has huge chunks of the American economy firmly within his grasp. 4 years ago this kind of government control seemed like a good idea to some, but who still thinks that way now?

...The President’s mandates and controls are still hampering private businesses, while future generations of tax revenue are being spent on his selfish pleasures. We desperately need of relief from his stranglehold – and we can only wait so long.