Monday, February 27, 2017

The whole protest movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline was a fraud from beginning to end. Not content to merely disrupt communities, increase costs to the taxpayers, delay work that will produce good jobs, and thrashing the environment the sub-humans who inhabited the DAPL camp site went off and left a number of dogs to fend for themselves in a North Dakota winter...

The whole protest movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline was a fraud from beginning to end. There were five other pipelines running over the same basic route. The “sacred burial grounds” were not on federal property and not particularly close to the DAPL. And the actions of the protesters confirm that they really didn’t care anything at all about preserving the environment because they trashed the environment and created an ecological disaster at their camp site.

Not content to merely disrupt communities, increase costs to the taxpayers, delay work that will produce good jobs, and thrashing the environment the sub-humans who inhabited the DAPL camp site went off and left a number of dogs to fend for themselves in a North Dakota winter...