Monday, February 2, 2015

Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say: The Left is Slowly Devouring Itself

Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say - How the language police are perverting liberalism. - Jonathan Chait/New York Magazine
Our Loud, Proud Left - Ross Douthat/New York Times
For the last week, liberal journalists have been furiously debating whether a new political correctness has swept over the American left. The instigator of this argument was New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait, normally a scourge of Republicans, whose essay on what he dubbed “the new P.C.” critiqued left-wing activists for their zeal to play language cop, shout down arguments and shut down debate outright.
The Left is Slowly Devouring Itself - Ed Driscoll/PJMedia
Everyone on the right knows what it’s like to argue with someone whose been infected by the PC virus, a “word fetish,” as novelist John C. Wright dubs it, in pungent terms. “What the Leftist does in debate is utter his idiot word fetishes and slogans with the sneering hauteur of a card player displaying his trump card, or a chessmaster a checkmate,” Wright notes. “And when his nonsense does not win the debate, or even address the debate, he realized you are the OTHER, and he blames you, and insults your character, your intelligence, your education, your moral stature, your maturity, et cetera”:
What the Hell Does 'Politically Correct' Mean?: A Short History - Jesse Walker/Reason
Lots of mail for this one. Says it will make your brain sparkle. - Join the Discussion at Lucianne
No, there shouldn’t be a law - Fingers Malloy/Washington Times
I call them the Busybody Brigade (The BB for short). The Left’s army of activists who look for problems that don’t actually exist, and solve them with restrictions that don’t actually work.

Their motto: “There should be a law….”

They are meddlesome. They are relentless. And they are on a quest to influence almost every decision you make, from sunrise to sunset. It’s all in an attempt to “better the collective” and control your life.

Let them, help you. After all, it takes a village.... KEEP READING