Friday, October 31, 2014

A Lesson From My Great-Aunt

Is Sacrificing a bit of comfort for public health such a great indignity? - Peggy Noonan/Wall St. Journal

It must be noted that all this—the quarantine argument, the travel ban—is another expression of the deep, tearing distance between America’s professional and political elites, who operate as if they are estranged from common sense, and normal people, who are becoming more estranged from the elites, their oblivious and politicized masters.

That distance has been growing all my adult life, but the Ebola argument has brought it into sharper relief. The elites should start twigging onto it. They are no longer immediately respected, their guidance is not reflexively taken. They seem more immersed in political thinking—what is the ideologically enlightened position to take, where’s the boss on it?—than in protecting public health.

Or thinking commonsensically, like your great-aunt.

Which is too bad because great-aunts built America.

All this will be part of the story on Tuesday, in the elections. It is hard to believe you can patronize people, and play them, and they will not, first chance they get, sharply rebuke you.

The Common Sense Of Ebola Self-Quarantine - The Strata-sphere
I am shaking my head today dumbfounded on how the the entire Obama Administration, the entire leftward news media and one self absorbed nurse in Maine cannot get why Main Street America is getting fed up with their Ebola nonsense. The left is screaming “Fear Mongers!” while the rest of us just look at what has been the public school policy on self-quarantine for DECADES and wondering why Ebola is less of a threat than the common Flu?
The long, national nightmare of Kaci Hickox’s quarantine is over - Twitchy, Who Said What on Twitter