Saturday, May 31, 2014

Charlie Rose's contemptible interview with Susan Rice

Charlie Rose of PBS (and CBS News) enjoys an elevated reputation among a wide swath of the educated public, and not just limited to the left leaning portion of that demographic slice. But an hour-long interview he conducted Thursday night with National Security Adviser Susan Rice on PBS should damage that reputation. - Thomas Lifson/American Thinker

Somehow or other, he managed to completely avoid the subject of the attack on the Benghazi diplomatic facility on 9/11/2012, and Ms. Rice’s role a disinformation officer spreadfing the outright lie that the attack was sparked by an obscure video that no one in Libya had even heard of.

Paul Bremmer of Newsbusters documents what ought to be career-killer for Rose, demonstrating how at multiple moments, the topic was talked around and avoided by Rose.

Charlie Rose's Hourlong PBS Interview of Susan Rice Never Mentions Benghazi - Paul Bremmer/Newsbusters

...At one point, Rice mentioned Libya and Rose remarked conversationally, “That's not a very good place today, is it?” To which Rice responded, “No, Libya is having a very difficult time today.” Rose asked, “So what's our role to influence Libya?”

Rice went on to talk about U.S. efforts to stabilize Libya since Muammar Gaddafi was ousted from power in 2011. She even spoke of the desire to help Libya “build their security apparatus.” No mention of America’s own diplomatic security apparatus and why it failed on that fateful night in Benghazi. And Rose, despite the proximity of the topic, once again chose not to ask a follow-up about Benghazi.

You have to wonder if Rose had agreed not to mention the B-word before the interview began. If he did, that was a troubling concession to make for the interview. If not, what's troubling is Rose's journalistic malpractice in completely omitting Benghazi altogether....