Friday, April 11, 2014

So what is it that Republicans stand for?

What Republicans Stand For - RedState

We stand for many things, to list them all out would be quite the task. But it all springs forth from our founding. We stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We stand for life, in that we stand for the dignity of the individual. We stand for life by acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual, embracing them for who they are, rather than what purpose they might suit for the collective. We stand for life in the defense of our nation through the sacrifice of a volunteer military.

We stand for life when we demand that patients and doctors make medical decisions rather than government bureaus and boards....

We stand for liberty. We stand for liberty of the individual within the state, the state within the nation, and our nation within the world. We believe that choices that affect the individual do not need to be decided by the collective.

We believe all are born into the liberty our nation offers, regardless of race or creed.

We believe that liberty does not equal license, as license would no doubt curtail the liberty of others. We stand for this liberty in the church pew, in the corporate office, and in the public square.

...We stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, just as our forefathers envisioned. We do so with the understanding that man is flawed, and that our liberty comes with a requirement that we be responsible for our own actions.

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