Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hard Sell:

A Couple Of Good Saturday Reads - Ace Of Spades

The first from Matt Labash over at The Weekly Standard really is a must-read. He followed around the completely "non-partisan" Enroll America group in Florida, who were walking around door-to-door looking to "inform" people about their "choices". Hilarity ensued.

One thing I've noticed, and it's a good thing for those of us that oppose the ACA, is just how deeply this Obamacare failure perception has penetrated the public consciousness....
Going door-to-door for Obamacare - Matt Labash/The Weekly Standard

I’ve come to Florida to go door-to-door with the foot soldiers of Get Covered America, the boots-on-the-ground division of Enroll America, which bills itself as a “nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to maximize the number of uninsured Americans who enroll in health coverage made available by the Affordable Care Act.” These Obamacare evangelists are very serious about the “nonpartisan” nature of their business. Nearly every Enroll America staffer I speak to emphasizes it, often repeatedly....

After all, Enroll America boasts all manner of nonpartisan credentials. Most of its staffers seem to have worked in the nonpartisan Obama presidential campaigns of 2008 or 2012, often both. Its president, Anne Filipic, served as deputy executive director of the nonpartisan Democratic National Committee, and came here straight from the nonpartisan White House Office of Public Engagement. The nonpartisan Obamacare czar, Kathleen Sebelius (whom Filipic also worked for), has admitted putting the arm on companies to make donations to Enroll America, sparking several nonpartisan congressional investigations.

...With my nonpartisan concerns allayed, we’re ready to roll! At the Hollywood public library, I meet up with Get Covered America’s Katie Vicsik and Rhianna Hurt, 2 of 28 Florida staffers (they also have nearly 1,800 volunteers on the ground in the state). They are twentysomething, earnest, clipboard-carrying, and as adorable as speckled pups. They’re the Platonic ideal of Obama campaign staffers (which they both were) from back in the salad days, when the winds of hope’n’change blew across the prairie, and there was still dew on the world.... Learn how it goes, at the link...
Also, check out this Daily Beast article that examines the shifting demographics and leftward sprint in urban politics. Cities are becoming more and more Democrat super-majority controlled, largely because the middle class is getting squeezed out.
The Revolt Against Urban Gentry - Joel Kotkin/Daily Beast

The War on Human Nature - Victor Davis Hanson/National Review Online

For nations as for individuals, pretending self-interest doesn’t exist is perilous.

America’s Coastal Royalty: The real national divide isn’t between red and blue states. - Victor Davis Hanson/National Review Online