Friday, October 11, 2013

Lawmakers Strike at Obamacare’s Early Weaknesses

Investigation launched into exchange failures as security flaws and exemptions in the spotlight: "At this rate, Obamacare is destined to go bankrupt." - Bridget Johnson/PJMedia


The glitches and problems plaguing the websites of the Obamacare exchanges represent a bigger cancer within the bloated federal government according to the Department of Better Technology (DOBT), which builds software for the government.

This refutes the idea that higher cost implies better quality and effectiveness.

The Obamacare exchanges, which debuted last week, are not as user-friendly as President Barack Obama's campaign website, even though it cost more to develop than that site and others like Facebook and Twitter with a price tag of more than $634 million. Using a Breaking Bad analogy, DOBT wrote that "worrying about fixing is a bit like giving Walter White cough syrup and expecting it to solve all his problems."

"You might hope his cough will go away, but it certainly isn’t going to end his lung cancer nor convince him to shut down his meth empire," DOBT wrote of the Breaking Bad character.

Obamacare computer code riddled with typos, Latin filler text, desperate programmer comments and disastrous architecture - Mike Adams/Natural News h/t: CD
If I had told you one month ago that ten days into the launch of Obamacare not a single person could be confirmed to have successfully enrolled, you would have called me a lunatic. And yet, here we are, tens days into the launch, and guess what? The White House cannot produce a single person who has successfully enrolled through the federally-run exchange

Jay Carney can't say whether Obama has tried Obamacare website