Sunday, April 7, 2013

What are Preppers? Terrorists?

Preppers are individuals that stock up on food, weapons (sometimes), gas, and other essential items that their families may need in order to survive in a time of crisis.

What do preppers look like?

Preppers are normal every day individuals. They look like you and me. They are hardworking, smart, and intelligent. They are your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, your family, and your bosses. They certainly are not the crazy, whacked out individuals that the main stream media portray them to be. Mains stream media portrays preppers as possible terrorists, nuts, psycho’s, and individuals for us to fear. This brings up the question as to why, and what is their purpose for doing so? Let’s dig a little deeper and see if we can come up with the real reasoning behind main stream media’s attack on preppers.

In the event of such a disaster (ex: Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, L.A. Riots) when grocery stores are empty, gas stations closed, power is down, looting is rampant, and there is no source of heat. Individuals that have prepared “Preppers” for such a disaster will not be subjected to starvation, dehydration, hypothermia, or mob attacks. They will not have to grovel to our government for food, water, shelter, or basic necessities. While others will have to stand in line for hours to get a simple bottle of water, or a blanket....

Do “Preppers” fall under the definition of terrorism...?

The Department of Homeland Security lists the (following) and suggests you report any such activity immediately. This is not the full list.
1. Buy a cup of coffee with cash
2. Reporting or doing journalism
3. Criticizing the government targeting innocent civilians with drones.
4. Have more than 7 days worth of food in your house.
5. Pro-Life
6. Believe in the Constitution
7. Bumper stickers “Know your rights or loose them” “Ron Paul” “Anti-Obama”
8. Speaking out against government policies
9. Asking questions about Wall Street
10. Against Big Government
11. Veteran
12. Pro-gun
13. Don’t want the government spying on you without a warrant.
14. Use Social Media
The list goes on and on. The sad thing is none of what they list in their manuals targets any actual threats or known terrorist organizations. It targets law abiding Americans as the “terrorist”. No mention of gangs, drug dealers, Al Qaeda, nor Muslim Brotherhood activities. Why? Could it be because they are changing their target from the real terrorist’s to the American people?
According to the DHS (U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism Manual download here that is exactly what they are doing. They have redefined what a terrorist is, and are targeting normal everyday people like you and I. “Preppers” being one of them.

Many of the DHS/FEMA preparations, bills, and manuals have come to light in the recent years and MSM refuses to report on them. Yet, for some reason people refuse to connect the dots, even when the proof is right before their eyes. They refuse to accept the reality of the treasonous acts going on within our government against the citizens of the United States. When will people move past the excuse of “racism” to justify Obama’s actions? People from every walk of life are in danger via his policies and executive orders.