Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CBO scores Boehner’s new bill: $22 billion in savings this year, $917 billion over 10 years

The new bill does, at least, keep his promise to produce savings in an amount greater than or equal to the amount of the debt-ceiling increase... - HotAir
‘The Best We Have Available’ - National Review

Rep. Bill Flores (R., Texas), a freshman member of the House Budget Committee, tells National Review Online that support for House Speaker John Boehner’s (R., Ohio) deficit plan is “really growing.”

“It’s not a perfect plan, but it is the best plan that we have available,” he says on his way out of a weekly meeting between GOP leaders and freshman members. “Those of us that are very concerned about the future of our country and for our kids and grand-kids think that it’s the right thing to do to pass this bill.”

Flores was one of 39 House Republicans to a sign a pledge promising not to vote to raise the debt ceiling unless “Cut, Cap, and Balance” legislation was enacted. He has since, along with several others, including Rep. Allen West (R., Fla.), backed off the pledge, arguing that Boehner’s plan “reflects the principles” of “Cut, Cap, and Balance.”

Boehner says revised debt plan yields greater cuts - Reuters