Friday, March 20, 2015

Camille Paglia

Camille Paglia’s on the “mess” that is Hillary Clinton - Mary Katharine Ham/HotAir
I like Camille Paglia. She’s ornery and interesting, not subservient to the orthodoxies so stultifying to other public intellectual academic types of her acclaim.
Camille Speaks - Althouse

2:55 - Growing up as a "gender nonconforming entity" in Eisenhower's America.
7:50 - What is feminism? The limits of identity politics.
14:35 - Rape, paternalism, and Madonna on the university campus.
19:30 - How the country club model of university life has debased contemporary cultural criticism.
24:38 - The decadent obsession with cultural identity in the modern world.
29:13 - Authentic multiculturalism and critical theory.
32:42 - Is there any hope for the humanities?
37:25 - Contemporary journalism is bad and it makes politics even worse.
45:18 - What sort of image does a great president project?
47:27 - The importance of "working class people".
51:08 - Hillary Clinton is a disaster. Dianne Feinstein is presidential.
54:46 - What are you optimistic about? Students are more ignorant than ever.
58:16 - Paglia's upcoming work: religion and the paleo-Indian period.
Runs about one hour.