Thursday, December 11, 2014

Pay careful attention to these 5 points...

What 2014 means for 2016 - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner @michaelbarone

(1) Democrats relied heavily on legacy candidates — and lost nevertheless.... The obvious implication for 2016 is that the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton, is something of a legacy candidate too....

(2) Voters today increasingly vote straight party tickets....

(3) Old political species — Blue Dog Democrats, Rockefeller Republicans — are pretty much extinct....

(4) Today’s political map looks static, but may be a little more fluid than many think....

(5) Republican strength is at historic highs. The party holds more House and state legislative seats than it has since the 1920s and only one less Senate seat than its post-1920s high. The 2008 Obama coalition which, some argued would dominate politics for decades, has been fraying: blacks and gentry liberals remain faithful, but Hispanics and millennials are falling away, while Jacksonians grow increasingly opposed.... READ IT ALL, CLICK HERE